Wednesday, August 27, 2008

July 12th

July 12, 2008

Okay so today was a crazy day!
It was raining so hard during the VBS that they did it under a tarp and when I went over to deliver the parasite medicine for the kids that we give out, I ended up holding the tarp and letting all the water that was collecting and making the tarp fall, fall on me, needless to say the whole morning I was soaked from head to toe. No big deal though.
We were walking to lunch and happened to see a bunch of white people in the middle of the road and we knew they were Americans immediately because they were speaking my native tongue, English. We started talking to them and guess where they were from? Yep, North and South Carolina! Which is where Lindsey is from, we have actually met another group from there since we have been in Honduras, which is crazy to me. They were on a weeklong mission trip and the organization was called Love With-out Words. We got to talk a bit his team has been coming to Honduras for years and San Fran happened to be the town they ministering to this summer, how cool are God’s plans!? Scott said that this kind of thing has never happened to him before. They were doing work and witness as well as working with some med majors and doctors from Honduras to put together a clinic in town for the people.
I finally got what Hailey had said at training camp, about how running into other Americans and how they act like Americans and you act like not Americans and how you’re just so different than them. I could sort of see how I had changed during the summer, it was neat and at the same time I was like we don’t want you here! You are giving Americans a bad name - but they don’t any better.
Today when we had a little bit of a break, Kurt taught Catherine, Juan, and I how to make balloon animals, it was really neat. Then we went out into the park and made balloon animals for the children and oh boy, was it a challenge! All the kids in that moment reminded me of American children, they were so greedy, I didn’t think that to be possible in Honduras. I had a kid say to me, “Perrito, VAMOS!” which meant that he wanted me to make him a dog and right away. I was so surprised at the crazy of all it. I couldn’t discipline and for the first time ever, I felt like someone’s puppet. The children’s team had told me that the kids weren’t that well behaved here but I had no idea this is what they meant. It was so sad to me and another eye opening thing.
That night, we showed the Jesus film and I was sitting next to Debbie and Catherine and then got up to count and then it was time to pray with people so I prayed for the peoples hearts and that they would be open to His word and His way and then joined a group and prayed with individuals excepting Christ. I also got to talk with a guy who had excepted Christ a year ago and he was so excited about what we were doing and he was telling us about how he is involved and I could see Christ in Him, it was so amazing.
At that point I had just fallen in love with the city and could feel that presence of God working in that place in such a strong way. And Lindsey that night led another little girl to Christ! I am just so proud of her! The people that I had seen, which was quite a big number due to being on the evangelizing team, many of them didn’t know the Lord or just hadn’t made the decision yet so I know that God has big plans for San Fran and I am glad that we got to be there. But after that we took down the movie and went back to the hotel for the night.

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