Our purpose was to support and motivate the leaders that are forming the new cell groups of the Church of the Nazarene in these communities. We helped them with church ministries such as evangelism, discipleship, children’s ministry, and work and witness.
Together with members from the church, we walked from house to house, presenting the plan of salvation through the Evangecube. With the people that accepted Christ as their savior, we presented the Holiness Cube and started the first lesson in a series of discipleship lessons.
The leaders of the church in Villa de San Fransisco, Pastors Gustavo González and Rigoberto, and Maria and Heidy, ladies in the church, were willing and excited to continue with the discipleship of the new believers. In Cofradía as well, the brothers and sisters of the church learned how to use the cubes and discipleship lessons. The church members of both communities energetically helped with all of the ministries. They participated in painting the schools, evangelizing, and working with children through clowns, puppets, songs and games. Other projects in Cofradía included building two roofs: one for a house of one of the ladies of the church and one for a cafeteria for the children.
Another important ministry was the films we showed in each place: the Jesus Film for children, the testimony of Felix Vargas’ conversion “Out of the Dark”, and the newly released Magdalena. More than 100 people were present at each showing. After each film, we invited the people to accept Christ. We were pleased to find that there were hearts ready to accept Christ, many children especially.
Our team included three adults from Chicago. This trip was their first experience of evangelizing and ministering together in a cross-cultural setting. Kurt, Debbi and Beth participated in all of the ministries, working hard and filled with enthusiasm and love for God’s kingdom. In just a short time, they made an impact in Honduras that will not easily be forgotten.
¡Perhaps the most wonderful thing regarding the ministry in these two communities is that 33 people made decisions for Christ and the team of volunteer missionaries followed up with home visits to each new convert in the following days! Adults, youth, and children walked through their first basic Bible Studies and the pastors of these communities are committed to follow up and disciple these new Christians with the next lessons in the coming weeks. Praise the Lord!
These were days filled with celebration for the new believers, days of intense work, and days in which God spoke clearly to the souls of the community. We were filled with joy to say, “Thank you Lord for the strength and passion you have given us, and continue to give us, to serve. We love you.”